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About the CRNFA Professional Portfolio

CRNFA certification is achieved by satisfactorily completing the CRNFA Professional Portfolio.

The CRNFA Professional Portfolio consists of three studies as shown in the following table:

NASC will provide each candidate with detailed instructions for completing each study in the portfolio. A list of recommended reference materials is provided, and candidates are encouraged to use these reference materials when doing research for the portfolio.

Each candidate will select a start date to begin working on the portfolio activities. The selected start date must be within two months from the date the application is accepted. Candidates must submit the completed portfolio within three months of the selected start date.

CRNFA Professional Portfolio Development

Three committees, each consisting of active and emeritus CRNFAs, developed the initial CRNFA portfolio. The activities comprising the portfolio are based on the CRNFA Job Analysis conducted by an appointed task force in September 2019. The portfolio is designed to assess the knowledge and skills of an RNFA with 2,000 hours of clinical practice.

NASC has conducted pilot and beta testing of the CRNFA portfolio. Responses and feedback from the CRNFA-eligible volunteers who participated in the testing were used to refine the portfolio and to develop the scoring rubrics for the portfolio.

CRNFA Professional Portfolio Evaluation

Two or three experienced CRNFAs will evaluate and score each portfolio submission. The evaluation process will be double-blind, meaning that candidates will not know who evaluated their portfolio, and evaluators will not know the identity of the candidate. Applicants whose portfolio submissions do not earn a passing score will be given the opportunity to appeal.

Click here for more information on the CRNFA Professional Portfolio Evaluation Panel.

CRNFA Professional Portfolio Pass Rate

Applications for the CRNFA Professional Portfolio opened in February of 2021.

Click here for CRNFA statistics

This guide includes handy checklists to check your eligibility and gather your documents before you apply.

This guide includes handy checklists to check your eligibility and gather your documents before you apply.