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NASC Policies

You can find NASC policies in the CRNFA Candidate Handbook.

NASC Certification/Recertification Policies

NASC reserves the right to establish, review, and revise policies and procedures related to RNAS-C and CRNFA certification/recertification as deemed appropriate.

NASC Diversity, Equity and Inclusion policy

The leaders, employees, and governing bodies of NASC support the fair treatment and dignity of all human beings. The organization does not discriminate among candidates based on age, color, ethnicity, family or marital status, gender identity or expression, language, national origin, physical or mental ability, political affiliation, race, religion, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, veteran status, or any other characteristics that contribute to the diversity of human individuals.

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) accommodations

NASC is committed to providing reasonable accommodations in its portfolio processes to otherwise qualified individuals with physical or mental disabilities in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).

Under the ADA, persons with disabilities may be entitled to accommodations if they have a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits a major life activity (such as hearing, seeing, learning, reading, or concentrating) or a major bodily function (such as the neurological, endocrine, or digestive system).

During the online application process, candidates with disabilities who believe they need ADA accommodations will have the opportunity to notify NASC of the type of accommodation they require and to provide current and appropriate documentation of the disability. Because the provision of accommodations is based upon an assessment of the current impact of the individual’s disabilities, the candidate must provide documentation based on an evaluation conducted within the past five years.

The documentation provided should include correspondence from a health care provider who has first-hand knowledge of the candidate’s disability. Correspondence should describe the nature of the disability and make specific recommendations regarding the type of accommodation required to address the disability. The letter should be on the health care professional’s letterhead stationery and include his or her title, address, phone number, and original signature.

All accommodation determinations will be made by NASC at its sole discretion. NASC is not obligated to provide accommodations that would fundamentally alter the measurement of the skills or knowledge the portfolio is intended to test, or that would impose an undue burden on NASC.

Audit process for certification/recertification applications

As part of the accreditation process, each certification/recertification application has a 10% chance of being selected for audit. Additionally, if there is any reason to believe that an applicant does not meet eligibility requirements, or if an outside party informs NASC that an individual does not meet certain requirements, the application will be flagged for audit.

When an audit occurs, NASC will contact the individual in writing and provide instructions for uploading documentation to substantiate the information in question. Specific documents that may be required for verification are outlined in Appendix F.

All information gained through verification procedures will be kept confidential, except in instances where the law demands disclosure of facts. Under no circumstances will the reporting party be disclosed.

If any information on the certification application is found to be false, the applicant will be notified and declared ineligible for certification.

Revoking or suspension of CRNFA certification

NASC may deny, suspend or revoke certification for cause, including but not limited to

  • failing to complete or provide evidence of completion of the requirements for initial certification, certification renewal, or reactivation of certification;
  • failing to maintain the required RN or APRN professional licensure;
  • finding that initial certification or certification renewal was improperly granted or improperly reactivated;
  • providing false or misstated information on any RNAS-C or CRNFA certification-related document;
  • providing false or misleading information;
  • misusing or misrepresenting the RNAS-C or CRNFA credential or credential status;
  • cheating or assisting others to cheat;
  • assisting others to wrongfully obtain initial certification or to renew or reactivate certification;
  • failing to comply with the scope and standards of practice in the area in which the certification is held;
  • participating in the commission of a crime or gross negligence in the practice of nursing;
  • violating NASC policy or procedure;
  • failing to meet audit processes;
  • failing to comply with the American Nurses Association Code of Ethics for Nurses with Interpretive Statements5;
  • demonstrating conduct unbecoming of the nursing profession; and/or
  • not paying outstanding debts to NASC.

Note. If RNAS-C or CRNFA statis is revoked for any reason, NASC will inform the RNFA of the decision to revoke certification status in writing. There will be no refund of any fees paid.

NASC appeals process

An external Board of Appeals is available to RNAS-C or CRNFA candidates seeking review of decisions made by NASC. Such Board will be appointed as needed. Candidates seeking appeal must submit a written request for review by the Board of Appeals within 30 days of receipt of the NASC decision in question. Supporting documentation should be included. Decisions of the external Board of Appeals shall be final and binding to all parties involved. All requests for amendment or appeal will be heard in accordance with the NASC policies in effect at the time.

Maintaining confidentiality

NASC maintains a system for safeguarding confidential information provided by certification applicants. No outside agency or persons shall have access to individual certification records unless the records are required to be provided under applicable law or in conjunction with regulatory investigations.


NASC reserves the right to designate and approve national publicity concerning the certification program. National publicity may be authorized by NASC for purposes of marketing the program.