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NASC Certification

Achieving certification acknowledges commitment to the highest standards of patient care and validates the specialized perioperative skills, experience, and knowledge the certificant has attained.


“Becoming CRNFA certified has been a hallmark of my perioperative nursing career. It is an indicator that I am a member of an elite group of individuals who have amassed a knowledge base that is comprehensive and accurate and assures that I can render superior patient care in my practice. It is a source of true pride in myself and my chosen profession.”
— CRNFA Certificant

Our Blog

February 4

New Certificants of 2024!

Please join us in celebrating these 46 new CRNFAs who have earned their certification by completing the CRNFA Professional Portfolio and 47 new RNAS-C who have passed the RNAS-C National Exam.

October 25

CRNFA Achieves ABSNC Accreditation

Felicia Lembesis, CAE, ICE-CCPExecutive National Assistant at Surgery Certification (NASC)Receives Accreditation of its Certified Registered Nurse First Assistant (CRNFA)From the Accreditation Board for Specialty Nursing Certification Mt Laurel, NJ, October 16, 2024 —The Accreditation Board for Specialty Nursing Certification (ABSNC), is pleased to announce the National Assistant at Surgery Certification (NASC) has been granted accreditation […]

March 5

New Certificants of 2023!

Please join us in celebrating these 51 new CRNFAs who have earned their certification by completing the CRNFA Professional Portfolio and 51 new RNAS-C who have passed the RNAS-C National Exam.

June 12

RNFA Scope of Practice, Standards of Practice, and Certification

When considering your role and the tasks and duties you perform as a registered nurse first assistant (RNFA), there are three areas you must understand. These are your scope of practice, standards of practice, and certification. Scope of Practice The RNFA scope of practice is determined by your state board of nursing and the facility […]

March 23

CRNFA Accreditation Status

Since 1992 the Certified Registered Nurse First Assistant (CRNFA) certification has been the premier credential for nurses in the expanded role of RNFA and remains so to this day. CRNFA was originally developed by the Competency and Credentialing Institute (CCI) and was accredited as an exam-based credential. Maintaining accreditation for an exam-based credential requires statistical […]

January 13

New Certificants of 2022!

Please join us in celebrating these 47 new CRNFAs who have earned their certification by completing the CRNFA Professional Portfolio and 26 new RNAS-C who have passed the RNAS-C National Exam.

February 12


Please join us in celebrating these 130 new CRNFAs who have earned their certification by completing the CRNFA Professional Portfolio.

September 30

Professional Excellence through Certification

by Heather Kooiker The history of nursing and the Nightingale Pledge provide nurses with the foundation of science, innovation, evidence-based practice, continuous learning, and professionalism needed for optimal practice.  Each of these traits plays a significant role in why the majority of Americans respect nurses. America’s respect for nurses is evident by the results of […]

May 19

NASC is now on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn

Did you know you can keep up with the latest NASC news by following our social media accounts? We will always post the latest news on social media, so pick your favorite social media platform(s) and check in for our weekly postings.



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